About Me
Hey! I'm Lennard, a 24-year-old Technical Product Manager based in Berlin, Germany.
Currently I am working at Check24 Flug as a Product Manager in Backend. I leverage my technical expertise to execute product strategy, drive implementation and manage the product with a focus on payments.
With a strong foundation in Business Computing and a passion for technology, I bridge the gap between code and commerce. As a Product Manager in Backend at Check24 Flug, I leverage my technical expertise to execute product strategy, drive implementation and manage the product with a focus on payments.
While spending time in Innovation Management and Product Strategy I have had the luck of learning fundamentals of Software Engineering and gaining a neck for coding. Which I have turned into my current pursute of technology driven product mangement and has lead my to numerous side projects that I developed.
When I'm not working as a PM, you can find me expanding my skills through language learning, experimenting with side projects that push my coding abilities, or exploring other creative pursuits. I'm always looking for ways to grow and innovate, both personally and professionally.
This Website
... is both a personal and portfolio showcase, alongside my LinkedIn and GitHub. It collects my many side and academic projects.
I Work On
Check out myGitHub
Work Experiences
Check out myLinkedIn Profile